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The new interface is under development. Check the latest updates at our Discord server.

Discord server

72 online users.

Registered users

215 registered users.

API Request Counter

19.729 of requests until today!



An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allows different programs or systems to communicate and interact with each other in a standardized way. Our API contains 5 categories, some of these: Canvas, Furry, Misc, Utils & Fun. It currently has a total of 19.729 requests until today.



FoxAddition is a plugin created for Java Edition Minecraft servers from versions 1.7.2 to the latest, with the aim of blocking certain specific types of hacks. This anticheat is an additional plugin that can be used alongside another without issues to add extra checks to hacks. It is compatible with some plugins such as VeinMiner, Geyser, ExecutableItems, among others. It currently has 12.453 downloads on SpigotMC and on Modrinth, a total of2.676downloads.


Shortener [Coming Soon]

A 'Shortener' or URL shortener is an online tool or service that takes a long URL and converts it into a shorter and more shareable version. Its main function is to reduce the length of a web address to make it more manageable and aesthetically pleasing. URL shorteners are particularly useful on platforms with character limitations, such as social media or messaging services, where sharing long links can be inconvenient or even impossible due to space restrictions.


Uptimer [Coming Soon]

Uptimer is a term that refers to an online tool or service that monitors the availability and uptime of a website or internet service. Its main function is to ensure that a website or service is online and accessible to users at all times. All of this has a time interval, which can be around 5 minutes or more.

Who are we?

Hello, we are glad to greet you! We are a small group of people who love to help others progress with their robots and/or projects. We promote semi-free services to facilitate the development of your project. We offer various services, such as our API, Uptimer, and Shortener.


Questions frequently asked.

We know that many people may not be familiar with our objective and/or the way we are organized, so we have implemented these frequently asked questions to answer your doubts or concerns. Remember that you can join our official Discord server for better support.

How does our login system work?
Our login system is based on the Discord account login method. With this, we manage to avoid security issues and/or information theft. In case of an account loss, we will not be held responsible as we are not affiliated with Discord. If you experience an account theft, you should consider contacting Discord support at
Why do I need to log in? Is it mandatory?
We use your Discord account to save your information and ensure your privacy. With your Discord account, we can track your progress in our projects and reduce account losses based on email addresses, as you only need to log in with your Discord account. Yes, it is mandatory.
What country are we in? What is our primary language and what languages do we consider to display the page for you?
The country of origin in which the group was created is Argentina, but it is not only composed of Argentinians, but also of Bolivians and Mexicans who help us in the creation and development of our projects. Our primary language is Spanish, and we strive to support various languages for our users and make it more comfortable for them, so the page will apply to your language depending on your browser settings. Currently, we support the following languages: English, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian.